US Department Of Energy SOLVE IT - AMERICAN MADE
Department Of Energy's Solve IT Prize Phase II: Team Objectives & Outcomes
- Engage with their community stakeholders to develop the community’s vision for their future clean energy or decarbonization project, in accordance with the Phase 1: Embark submission.
- Demonstrate the results of a comprehensive and innovative engagement effort that has
identified community priorities. - Identify a clean energy solution to address these priorities.
Our goals is to show as an organization we have reached the outcomes and objectives described by the Department Of Energy SOLVE IT.

May Recap
Congratulation We Won!, Team meeting to discuss deliverable and create a plan to engage and include our current programming, Gather FAQs and metrics from from flood survivors, troubleshoot potential eco-friendly solutions.

Gather frequently asked questions and metrics from from flood survivors trying to find a viable solution before disaster strikes.

Engage with residents, community stakeholders, and others about the health effects climate change has had on their physical and mental well-being

Provide resources to community giving away over 250 produce plants in order to combat the food lost during disaster by providing plants that will keep producing fruits and vegetables.

Engage with residents on the effects of climate change as an homeowner while providing them with free groceries to help with food insecurity during times of crisis.

June Recap
Green Teen Summer Camp Starts, Engaged with 350 Residents about household barriers impacted by climate, Supply food aid to over 300 climate change survivors, Intend Detroit Environmental Policy Soirée on Healthy, Affordable Homes, Black Tech Saturday Youth Exposure Event

Supply fresh produce to aid over 300 climate change survivors. Produce includes fresh meat, garden grown produce, dairy products (eggs, milk, cheese), and bread

FYN-DDRG members lead meaningful discussions on the different ways we can impact community positively by collaboration, information sharing, resource fairs, etc.

FYN-DDRG explored the world of Black Tech Saturday engaging in meaningful conversation about how technology can be utilized on a community level

Green Teen Summer Camp officially starts! Two of our campers are learning the ins and outs of home renovation and design! Workshops on home components, how to do a property inspection, how to go from vacant to 'under roof', and the things to look at when purchasing a property.

July Recap
Food and HouseHold Distribution engagement with 200 residents gathering feedback on the concept of the GROW House Energy Hub, Green Teens – Composting and planting 100 vegetable and 1000 seeds, Green Teens Start Food Desert Research Project, Tech Energy Summit Vendor Table, Detroit Black Farmer Land Fund Writing Workshops, Town Hall Meeting

Food and HouseHold Distribution engagement with 200 residents gathering feedback on the concept of the GROW House Energy Hub. Here we have a Green Teen Camper learning data collection and analysis over the topic of climate resilient solutions to combat disaster.

Green Teens Composted over 5,000lbs of food and planting 100 vegetable and 1000 seeds over the course of 3 weeks

Green Teens Start Food Desert Research Project- start locating grocery stores near YOUR home, compile a grocery list, mark how many stores had all items on the list, and research the nutrients of your items or the alternatives they sale if your items are unavailable.

Town Hall Meeting with Council members from our local Districts here to discuss the affects climate change had on their specific district, how to properly spend disaster dollars, and the impact all districts have on one county. Here the FYNDDRG team has been awarded from Michigan House of Senate for outstanding work within our communities.

August Recap
Energy Assessment of Feed Your Neighborhood’s Grow House at the Beaconsfield location, Green Teen Summer Camp End Celebration/College Enrollment, Detroit's STOCK X volunteers and joins FYN's food and household goods engagement with community, Story sharing with over 300 community members on climate change at a household level.

Detroit's own STOCK X volunteers and joins FYN's food and household goods engagement with communities in underserved areas. Here we have Stock X Member engaging with community.

Over 15 volunteers from the STOCK X company/community came from all over the nation in order to help giveaway fresh produce in a food desert district.

The Green Teen Summer Camp comes to an end and over the course of 6 weeks we learned how to make clothes using sustainable practices, how to apply for college scholarships, and how to find a home for yourself. We also completed grant writing workshops, urban garden development, content creation and more! Here our Co-founder is being awarded the Black Men Build: Men of Action Award

Story sharing with over 300 community members on climate change at a household level and how it may affect the homeowner over the course of time.

September Recap
Food and HouseHold Distribution engagement with 300 residents gathering feedback on the concept of the GROW House Energy Hub, connect and visit our first eco friendly home with Hope Village, Feed Your Neighborhood Corp Moves to NEWLAB, Black Farmer Land Fund Awardee

Food and HouseHold Distribution engagement with 300 residents gathering feedback on the concept of the GROW House Energy Hub

FYN DDRG Climate Justice Nurse being interviewed explaining the effects climate change has on humans and the impact she has seen over the past 10 years as an ICU nurse. Climate has become more prevalent in the hospitals than ever before with more patients becoming sick from their households and environments.

Green Teen Campers, FYN-DDRG, Wayne State University Students, and Stock X gather around for a group photo after servicing over 250 community members giving away 10,000 pounds of food.

FYN DDRG raises awareness to the effects of climate change by hosting conversations in communities where former housing that was utilized to provide homes and safety for inner city children now has turned into vast fields and tree farms reducing the ability for Detroiters to live in their community.

October Recap
Discuss positive and negatives outcomes of the grow house with Board Members and community leaders, Food and HouseHold Distribution engagement with 300 residents gathering feedback on the products they want to see inside the GROW House Energy Hub, Get quotes from contractors and energy experts for our Climate Education Hub for our Grass Roots Outreach Work, Attend Walker Miller Energy RECES24

EJ Haralson, Co Founder and Executive Director, leading a speech on how to leverage technology to create healthy sustainable housing in Detroit at Black Tech Saturday's Digital Empowerment Summit

Feed Your Neighborhood speaks at Hutchinson Elementary about the effects of Food Insecurity and Climate Change has on our community.

Feed Your Neighborhood engages with over 300 Residents about the effects of Climate change while providing resources to climate change survivors

Kavivi Muli, Climate Justice Nurse with Feed Your Neighborhood Corp/ Detroit Area Disaster Group engages with surrounding cities about the positive outcomes electric vehicles and retrofits can have on environment with the hopes of reducing our carbon footprint.

November Recap
FYN Brings Solar to community! FYN engaged with over 600 community members showing them the power of Solar, Partnered with D2 Solar to use recycled solar panels, Food and home good distributions helps 600 climate change survivors prepare for disaster, Create valued partnerships with local government public health officials.

Feed Your Neighborhood Corp and Detroit Disaster Recovery Group engage with over 300 residents in community about the problems and solutions that climate has on us all. Our organization gave away over 10,000 pounds of food as well.

Say Hi to GROVER! FYN partners with D2 Solar to show residents in our community the power solar has! This trailer is a completely solar power charging station capable of powering fridges, TVs, laundry units, stoves, air fryers and more!

Critical Justice Nurse, Kavivi Muli, leads an impactful discussion with two other panelist on environmental justice and health activism in our community and overall in the health industry.

Housing inspections take place on our future climate education hub with construction contractors, electricians, solar specialist. All housing inspection and energy assessments where managed by Gneiss Life energy expert and DADRG housing director.

Community Engagement Climate Data Analysis
We surveyed 75 Inner City Detroiters from engaging with thousands of residents on the effects Climate Change has on our survivors mental and physical health as well as our home's health. We gathered and documented this data based on these surveys.