Food Distribution - Food Desert Program

Our History

Feed Your Neighborhood Corp, is a community-based organization in Detroit founded to address three areas of community need: food, housing and education. FYN’s food distribution and mutual aid program provides free food, PPE, and household goods to over 1000 families each month. The Pantry is located in a 'Food Desert' with no walkable major grocery stores within 5 miles. FYN delivers over 100,000 pounds of meat and fresh produce each year. 

FYN's Current Food Distribution:

We distribute food twice a month, every first and third Monday of the month!

Current Location: 12700 Mack Ave, Detroit, MI

Where Does The Food Come From?

Our food comes from partnering food companies and restaurants who'd rather donate than waste their food. Partnerships include Forget Harvest, Gleaners, and ALDI.

Our Restaurant Partners in Food Waste Reduction include Detroit Pepper Company and Newlab Cafe.

How It Works: Forgetten Harvest & Gleaners

Both Gleaners and Forgotten Harvest provide food free of charge to local food pantries and soup kitchens, Forgotten Harvest's model relies on rescuing and redistributing perishable food from local restaurants, grocers, and farms while Gleaners is a Food Bank which stocks food such as dairy or pantry good items to distribute at a later date.

Feed Your Neighborhood Corp

Grocery Store Food Waste Reduction

Feed Your Neighborhood partners with local grocery stores either by request or making initial contact to reduce their food waste when new products hit the shelf. FYN will take the access food, freeze it, then distribute it during the week to local community members and organizations. Normal time from pick up to distribution is 48 hours or less.

Black Farmer Land Fund Awardee

My Father's Garden

We are the proud awardees of the Black Farmer Land Fund, will have updates coming soon!

Coming Soon!


FYN's Grocery Store

We have a goal to create a low income grocery store funded by our community! We want to utilize our membership capability, crowd funding, and FYN food donations to create a viable low income grocery store for all to benefit from.

Coming Soon!